Logo Label Master MESRIThe Master of law, health and ethics is organised in collaboration with the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Rennes 1. Dealing with issues such as controlling health expenditure, the progress in biotechnology, changes in care relationships, the ageing of the population and medical consumerism, the course is designed to transmit the knowledge required to understand how the health system functions and how to treat persons who are ill or vulnerable.



This course is also available through a 2-year double-degree programme with our European partners. More info: Europubhealth: European Public Health Masters course of study

The course

Location: Rennes
Duration: 1 year (September to September)
Teaching Language: French
ECTS: 60 per year

The course presents the public health and welfare policies adopted by France. It covers the legal tools for setting up, financing and managing health structures, the rules governing the relationships between patients and users and the liabilities associated with carrying out these activities.

Students may choose one of two curricula leading to job-specific qualifications :

  1. Health professional and health establishment law
  2. Welfare and care establishment law.

Core curriculum (36 ECTS)

Organisation of health and welfare sectors

  • Public health action framework
  • Local organisation and inter-establishment synergy
  • Status of health, welfare and care establishments
  • Comparative analysis of health systems
  • French welfare system

Economics, finance and health determinants

  • Health economics
  • Welfare and health system regulation
  • Doctors and health insurance
  • Health determinant analysis

Ethics and health

  • Series of conferences on ethics and law
  • Civil rights

Languages and methodology


Curricula (24 ECTS)

1/ Health professional and health establishment law

  • Liability: civil liability and insurance, administrative liability, penal liability
  • Civil law: civil rights and rights of patients, rights of vulnerable persons, professional liability
  • Ethics and health decisions: health management and ethics, ethics and financial decisions, ethics, information systems and civil liberties, ethics and public health practices
  • Complementary courses: languages, property transaction law, procedures.

2/ Welfare and care establishment law

  • Liability: civil, administrative and penal liability, legal framework for health structures (association law, administrative law, work relations law)
  • Civil law: civil rights and rights of patients, rights of vulnerable persons, rights of patients in health establishments (relations between users, family and establishment)
  • Policy and finance: French and European aid and welfare policies, health and welfare costs appeals
  • Complementary courses: languages, property transaction law, quality procedures, certification, assessment of professional practices and risk management

Complementary education

  • English

Work placement and thesis

Job opportunities

  • Legal experts or lawyers in health law or health and welfare law
  • Consultants in health law or law covering activities and establishments in the health and welfare sector
  • Legal experts on health profession councils and insurance companies (medical insurance, hospital insurance, professional or personal insurance)
  • Directors of hospitals or private health establishment
  • Directors or managers in a health and welfare establishment
  • Directors or managers in a care establishment
  • Hospital administrators
  • Managers of a social security bod
  • Regional hospital agency officer
  • Local administrators
  • Health and welfare inspectors
  • Managers of a health establishment appeal service
  • Health law journalists
  • Health law instructors


  • Students with a one year Master of law or legal sciences
  • EHESP students
  • Students registered for the Europubhealth European Master
  • Applicants with a higher medical or pharmaceutical studies certificate
  • Applicants with a dental or veterinary diploma or a state-recognised engineering degree

Professional development

  • Health professionals (medical and paramedical)
  • Directors of public and private health, welfare and care establishments
  • Managers of central or decentralised health and social affairs ministries
  • Regional Health Agency managers, mutual insurance companies
  • Legal experts interested in health law or law covering welfare and care establishments and services.

If appropriate the course may be subject to an assessment procedure.



Catherine KELLER, professor and researcher at EHESP School of Public Health
Marie-Laure MOQUET-ANGER, professor at the University of Rennes 1


Tel: +33 (0)2 23 23 39 50 – sfc@univ-rennes1.fr

Admission office

Université de Rennes 1
Tel: +33 (0) 2 23 23 76 13 – droit-scol@listes.univrennes1.fr

Modified on 6 January 2020