Juste Goungounga


15 Avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard 35000 Rennes - 35033 - Rennes Cedex

Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 27 76 (work)

E-mail: juste.goungounga@ehesp.fr (work)

Discipline(s): Biostatistics and health data

Current position: Professeur de l'EHESP

Diploma(s): Docteur en Medecine, PhD

Affiliation(s): Département Méthodes quantitatives en santé publique (METIS), Department of Quantitative Methods in Public Health, UMR 6051 ARENES-CRAPE


I am qualified in medicine in Burkina and worked as a clinician before entering methodological research. I completed in 2014 a Master of public heath (oriented in quantitative and econometric methods) and in 2018, a PhD in full-time in clinical research and public heath (option biostatistics), both at Aix Marseille University, France. My PhD thesis topic was the extension of excess mortality analysis in to the field of clinical research. Previously, I worked in the SESSTIM research unit, as a biostatistician, mainly working on excess hazard and net survival methods in the field of clinical research. I joined the Bourguignon Digestive Cancer Registry/Université de Bourgogne ( EPICAD team - UMR 1231) in January 2020 as a postdoctoral research fellow.  I'm currently associate professor of Biostatistics and health data at the French School of Public Health (EHESP ). Here is a link to my updated list of publications: Updated Publications LIST.


My research interests lie principally, but not exclusively in the field of statistical methods in cancer epidemiology and more generally in non-communicable diseases to identify and quantify the dynamics of inequalities in non-communicable diseases outcomes using:
- Cure models and time-to-cure estimators
- Excess hazard modeling in different data setting (e.g., population-based studies or hospital-based registries).
- Statistical methods for disease mapping (e.g., cluster detection methods, SPatial Oblique Decision Tree, Bayesian hierarchical modeling, multivariate disease mapping).

- Supervised classification methods: CART regression tree, PLS regression
- Development of R package (xhaz https://cran.r-project.org/package=xhaz)
- Application of statistical models/estimators to population data (population-based registries for non-communicable diseases such as cancer, end-stage renal disease, etc.), cohort data and clinical trials


Member of learned societies:

  • In France:
    • French Statistical Society (SFDS) and International Biometric Society;
    • Challenges in the Estimation of Net SURvival (CENSUR) working survival group
  • outside France:
    • ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics) - specialized team Survival Analysis
    • Royal Statistical Society - GRADSTAT;
    • International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB);


Teaching of biostatistics and epidemiology, statistical programming using R

Participation in various courses at EHESP: Fundamentals, State and Institutional courses, Master of public health year 1 and year 2 (taught in English, in Paris), Master of public health at Rennes 1-EHESP, IDEA training (field epidemiology)

Supervision of trainees in biostatistics and epidemiology.