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Discipline(s): Sociology, Political Sciences

Current position: PhD student

Diploma(s): Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon [Institute of Political Studies of Lyon]

Affiliation(s): Doctoral Network of Public Health


I studied five years at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques of Lyon and graduated with a Research master 2 in Comparative Analysis of Public Policies and Governments. I am currently preparing a thesis on the health crisis concerning new generation contraceptive pills under the supervision of Nathalie Bajos (INSERM) and Daniel Benamouzig (Sciences Po).


The analysis of a scare within the field of contraception calls for reflection on drug scares and their regulation since the year 2000 given their increase, and the significance of controversies relating to a gendered drug. Looking back at the controversy over the risks associated with these pills (venous thrombosis, cancer), the key is to take into account containment rationales and the publication of these problems over time and in different places. Combined with a political sociology of public action, the aim is to take into account the (re)configuration dynamics of the interplay (Elias, 1981) between the multitude of stakeholders in the field of contraception (healthcare professionals, healthcare agencies, policy makers, pharmaceutical companies, researchers, women, victims). Furthermore, the structuring of the interests of stakeholders who set the rules of the interplay refers to a listing of standards that it is a question of exposing. The field of contraception is particularly affected by diverse and changing standards: the choice of contraceptive, individual accountability for compliance, accountability and management of female contraception, medical contraception as standard in response to abortion as a form of deviance. Therefore, mixed with more general public standards are gender standards. By destabilising certain standards such as medical authority, this thesis investigates whether the controversy has called into question a standard that structures sexual and reproductive health, namely the essentialisation of the female body as a reproductive body.

My research focusses more generally on the transformation of public action in the field of public health (empowerment of individuals in relation to health risks, institutionalising the concept of health safety, co-production of healthcare policies with private stakeholders and patients) by looking to integrate reflections on the (re)production of social relationships (sex, class, race, sexuality, etc.).

The analysis of this controversy and the regulation of the uses and risks associated with contraception is multilevel. Although the starting point is the French case, it extends to an understanding of the health system and, above all, drug safety on a European scale. The English case will also be studied to highlight pill scares in Europe.


Report on the pill scare for the attention of Mrs Marisol Touraine, co-written with Nathalie Bajos, Caroline Moreau, Henri Panjo and Aline Bohet, May 2014

"The 2013 pill scare in France : a socio-epidemiological Perspective", Communication at the congress of the European Society of Contraception, Lisbon, 31 May 2014


Tutor at the Université Paris Nord 13 [University of Paris North 13]:

Tutorials (1st year of law) on the sociology of public action

Tutorials (3rd year of political sociology) on the introduction to public politics

Tutorials (2nd year of law) on Advanced Political Science

Tutorials (2nd year of political sociology) on Theories and Practices of Democracy

Tutorials (1st year of sociology) on written and oral expression in social sciences