The Chair of Research on Youth discontinued its work since 31 December 2018.

The Chair of Research on Youth, inaugurated on 16th November, fits in with a context that is favourable to analysis of youth issues:

  • decision of the Brittany Region to establish a Youth Charter which develops the objectives of this institution’s youth policy (21st September 2011)
  • the growing interest in these issues among researchers based in Brittany, across different disciplines
  • heightened concern among decision-makers at every level of decision for a population whose difficulties integrating are increasingly significant

The Chair has received financial support from the Conseil Régional de Bretagne, the State (Direction Régionale de la Jeunesse, des Sports et de la Cohésion Sociale de la région Bretagne (DRJSCS), the Agence nationale pour la Cohésion Sociale et l’Égalité des chances (ACSE)), the Institut National de la Jeunesse et de l’Éducation Populaire (INJEP) and the Centre Regional d’Information Jeunesse de Bretagne (CRIJ).

Governance Structures

The holder of the Chair of Research on Youth is Patricia Loncle, lecturer-researcher at EHESP and at the Centre de Recherches sur l’Action Politique en Europe (UMR 6051). She is attached to the EHESP’s Department of Human and Social Sciences.

An operational body: the Chair’s team

  • Patricia Loncle-Moriceau: Chairholder, lecturer-researcher
  • Virginie Muniglia: research coordinator
  • Karinne Guilloux: coordinator for knowledge transfer activities
  • Eric Le Grand: associate researcher in health promotion
  • Christophe Moreau: associate researcher

Across all its working themes, the team relies on the contributions of research officers and the research of INJEP.

One expert body: the Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee meets at least once a year. It is charged with examination and validation of the scientific content of the programme formulated by the Chairholder. Its members also contribute to increasing visibility of its diverse activities, and this, at both French and international levels.

Download the list of Scientific Committee’s members (pdf, 36 kb)

One monitoring and decision-making body: the Steering Committee

The Steering Committee brings together the Chair’s funding bodies. It is made up of the following partners: the Région Bretagne, the Direction régionale de la jeunesse, des sports et de la cohésion sociale de la région Bretagne (DRJSCS), EHESP, the Institut national de la jeunesse et de l’éducation populaire (INJEP) and the Centre régional d’information jeunesse de Bretagne (CRIJ). This committee meets twice a year to conduct the Chair’s compliance monitoring. It examines and evaluates its activity by monitoring the evaluation indicators defined in agreement with the Chair’s team.

One prospective and strategic body: the Orientation Committee

The Orientation Committee is a prospective body. It meets once a year, bringing together the various actors in regional and national youth (young people, professionals, decision-makers, and researchers). Together, they suggest orientations – particularly with regard to links between research and the professional world, and with special attention paid to ensuring the programming of the Chair’s scientific activities is a good match for the need to share knowledge in the Brittany region.


  • To work on improving comparative knowledge on youth, taking into account the fact that youth is a period of vulnerability
  • To analyse policy developments aimed at young people in France (from local to national level) and to work on putting these into perspective alongside youth policy in Europe and on other continents (North America and North Africa, for example)
  • To strengthen exchanges of knowledge and best practice with decision-makers and professionals working with young people, and to facilitate cooperation between public action and the world of research.


The Chair aims to take youth issues into account from a comprehensive and transversal perspective – be this in social, health, educational, or other terms – using three main approaches:

  1. Youth sociology: the situation, trajectories, representations and reasoning behind the actions of French and European youth, the process of vulnerability
  2. Public policy and networks of actors reaching out to young people
  3. Professional practice aimed at young people


Research and Study Projects

  • Academic research projects accredited by national or European research bodies
  • Study projects (exchange of best practice, evaluation, expertise, support with complex projects, ways of offering young people guidance and support, research-action, experimentation) in close collaboration with the latest professional practice or on emerging subjects in which the public authorities are interested

JUVENIL “Vulnerable young people: perceptions and care in local policies: access to health and social policies”

Objective: to analyse how well provision arrangements for vulnerable young people fit in with their needs, their integration pathway and their journey towards adulthood.
Funded by: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Download the information sheet (pdf, 29 kb)

GOETE: Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe

Objective: to analyse the school’s role in re-conceptualising education as lifelong learning –
Funded by: European funding (7th PCRD)
Download the information sheet (pdf, 16 kb)

DECLIC “The sharing of knowledge on socio-territorial health inequalities: a boost to awareness and mobilisation to reduce disparities in recourse to cancer screening at local level”

Objective: to set up a process of sharing, co-production and knowledge transfer focused on social and regional inequalities in access to screening for breast and colorectal cancers and on the local combinations of their determinants. For young people: gaining a better understanding of what holds them back, in terms of prevention.
Funded by: INCA
Download the information sheet (pdf, 11 kb)

MDA 44: Evaluation of the ‘Maison des Adolescents de Loire-Atlantique’

Objective: report on the activity and perspectives of action and organisation via a geographically-based approach to the MDA’s activity, to young people’s pathways, and to partnership.
Funded by: GIP MDA 44
Download the information sheet (pdf, 15 kb)


These publications on youth and youth policy in France, Europe and at international level fall into 2 categories:

  • academic publications in English and French through publishers or in refereed journals
  • publications aimed at professionals for the dissemination of knowledge beyond researcher circles

Download the Team’s publications (pdf, 40 kb)

Teaching and Training

Master in childhood and youth: policies and care

Objective: to offer a course which will allow both practicing and future professionals to promote an improved process of integration and management of children and young people in our country.
Led by: EHESP, Université Rennes 1, Université Rennes 2
More details about the Master

A number of doctoral theses on youth and youth policy (direction or co-direction) are under the supervision of Patricia Loncle

  • François Bissege, “The process of co-construction of preventive messages aimed at juvenile populations”, jointly with Denis Ruellan, Université Rennes 1/CRAPE (Centre for Research on Political Action in Europe), funded by EHESP
  • Lila Le Trividic, “The uses of ‘mental health’ in local policy aimed at young people, Université Rennes 1/CRAPE (Centre for Research on Political Action in Europe), funded by ARED-Région Bretagne.
  • Virginie Muniglia, “Becoming adult when familial support falls short: appropriation of public actions and construction of juvenile pathways”, jointly with Serge Paugam, École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales / Centre Maurice Halbwachs
  • Céline Rothé, “Wayward youth”, young people in the infra-assistance circuit, a report on the effects of a public action category in its implementation on the ground”, Université Rennes 1/CRAPE (Centre for Research on Political Action in Europe), funded by ENSP.

Seminars and activities promoting youth research to the academic world

Joint EHESP/Université de Rennes 2 organisation of an international symposium: “Vulnerable young people faced with the assistance system (public policies, professional practice and youth trajectories)“, 20th and 21st September 2012, in Rennes.

Exchanges with elected representatives, professionals, the population and young people

This activity takes place in the regions, through the organisation of a range of diverse events (public debates, themed workshops, focus groups, training courses, etc.) with the aim of co-constructing knowledge, the better to support young people.


Modified on 26 February 2019