Avenue du Pr. Léon Bernard CS74312 - 35043 - Rennes

Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 26 86 (work)

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Discipline(s): Environmental health, urban planning and health, modelling, HIS [Health Impact Assessment]

Current position: Professor at the EHESP [French School of Public Health], Head of the institution's diploma in

Affiliation(s): Department of environmental and occupational health


Professional career

After her doctorate and experience gained working for an environmental research and consultancy office, Anne Roué Le Gall completed a post-doctorate at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) as part of the pan-Canadian research network COMERN (Collaborative Mercury Research Network) where she specialised in the field of complex environmental system analysis, multi-criteria decision-making methodologies and public health protection. She then held the position of Research Professor at the Institut d’Ingénierie et Gestion de l’Environnement [Institute of Engineering and Environmental Management] (ISIGE) of MINES ParisTech and was responsible for the Franco-Chinese environmental management project.  As an environmental health Research Professor in the DSET&GS [Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, and Heath Engineering] at the EHESP [French School of Public Health] since 1 January 2010, she has applied her skills to health promotion in the field of urban planning and regional planning and has developed, in collaboration with other departments, a line of expertise, research and reaching dedicated to these issues.


University career

2001 : PhD in "Hydrologie et hydrogéologie quantitatives" ["Quantitative Hydrology and Hydrogeology"]( Hydrodynamic and ecological modelling) MINES ParisTech, Centre de Géosciences [Centre of GeoSciences]

1996 : Diplôme d’Études Supérieures [University Post-Graduate Degree] in Environmental Sciences, Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise [Luxembourg University Foundation] (FUL) – Université de Liège [University of Liège] (ULg) ARLON campus, Belgium.

1995 : Master's in Environmental Sciences, Université de Bretagne Occidentale [University of Western Brittany] (UBO), Brest.

1994 : Degree in Biology of Organisms, with an option in Microbiology, UBO, Brest.


Her research has focussed on health promotion within the field of urban planning and regional planning. More specifically, she has focussed on the development of methodologies based on a systematic approach to health and the environment to facilitate decision-making and has developed expertise in the field of health impact assessments (HIA) and healthy urban planning (HUP).


Main projects


Expertise in Health Impact Assessments (HIA)

Member of the RBUS group (Réseau Bretagne Urbanisme et Santé [Brittany Network of Urban Planning and Health] combining the EHESP [French School of Public Health], S2D [Health and Sustainable Development], ARS Bretagne [Brittany Regional Health Authority], Rennes city centre and the Town of Rennes).

Member of the EU joint action "Health Impact Assessment with Equity Focus”, a group coordinated by the “Health Action Partnership International" (HAPI)


I am involved in training (degree students and CDP) at the EHESP [French School of Public Health] on health impact assessments, urban planning and health, introduction to the analysis of complex systems and modelling, and the mercury problem.

Other institutions : ISIGE [Higher Institute of Engineering and Environmental Management] Mines ParisTech [Paris School of Mines] (MS IGE [Specialist Master's in Engineering and Environmental Management]), Université Paris Ouest Nanterre [University of West Paris at Nanterre] (Master's in Geography, Planning and the Environment)

Digital resources and activities

Development of an online course entitled "Agir pour un urbanisme favorable à la santé : concepts et outils" ["Action for healthy urban planning: concepts and tools"] (Available in March 2015)

Development of a UVED [Virtual University for the Environment and Sustainable Development] e-learning module : "Le mercure comme prétexte à l'étude de problématiques environnementales complexes" ["Mercury as a pretext for the study of environmental wicked problems"] available online since March 2013.