Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 28 87 (work)
Affiliation(s): Institute of Management
=>Since 2007: EHESP- Institute of Management / ENSP – MATISS department
- teacher of financial management in health establishments
- hospital accounting, financial analysis of establishments, budget and finance management, analytical accounting and management control
- international activities
=> 1997-2007: Centre Hospitalier de Saint-Malo – Deputy Director
- Clientele and Information Systems Director
- Director of Finance and Management Control
- Director of Finance, Management Control and Internal Contractualisation, and referent for the Emergency-Resuscitation unit
=> 1991-2006: ENSP teaching officer
- hospital accounting, financial analysis of establishments, budget and finance management, analytical accounting and management control, establishment control
=> 1995-1997: CHU (University Hospital Centre) Nantes- student-hospital director (Budget management and public contract manager)
=> 1990-1994: DDASS (Direction départementale des Affaires sanitaires et sociales – Departmental department of health and social affairs) Ille-et-Vilaine – Inspector of Health and Social Affairs
- resource allocation, monitoring and control of public health establishments in the department and the Regional anti-cancer Centre (CRLCC)
- resource allocation and monitoring of establishments for the elderly
=> 1987-1990: DDASS Sarthe -Inspector of Health and Social Affairs
- resource allocation, monitoring and control of establishments for disabled children
- Departmental Commission for Special Education
- 2010-2011: Master's in analysis and management of health establishments (AMES) EHESP – Paris-Diderot
- 1995-1997: ENSP – Training as Hospital director
- 1986: Diploma in Public Administration IRA Nantes
- 1982: Master's in private law – judiciary – Rennes 1
- Co-author with Philippe Peyret – director of the teaching hospital at the EHESP and Gérard de Daran – director of finance and works at the intercommunal hospital centre at Castres –Mazamet of a work on hospital finances: "la gestion financière pluriannuelle des investissements hospitaliers publics" – éditions ehesp 2008
- Co-author with Philippe Peyret – director of the EHESP teaching hospital and Jacques Grolier – university of Rennes 1– of a book on hospital accounting and finances: "EPRD – Gestion budgétaire et comptable des établissements de santé" – éditions ehesp 2009
- Contribution to the bookFinances publiques et Santé under the direction of Rémi Pellet – éditions DALLOZ- 2011 – collection Thèmes, commentaires, actes: "La qualité des comptes des hôpitaux, condition sine qua none à la performance des outils de la gestion et évolution managériale majeure"
- Actes des Assises de l’AFIGESE – Nantes 2008 – shrinking margins for financial manœuvring: opportunities for better local public performance: "La recherche de l’efficience dans la gestion hospitalière profondément modifiée par les différentes réformes du plan HOPITAL 2007"
- Revue FINANCES HOSPITALIERES – April 2010 – "La confirmation d’un changement de paradigme dans la construction budgétaire des EPS : le caractère financier de la gestion est explicitement affirmé"
- Auditing and financial expertise in health-care establishments
- Participation in task forces relative to the development of accounting and budget management in health-care establishments (DGOS, ANAP), increasing reliability and certification of hospital accounts (Audit Office-DGOS-DGFIP)
- Audition by the Mission d'évaluation et de contrôle des lois de financement de la sécurité sociale (M.E.C.S.S.) (Mission for the evaluation and control of social security finance laws) National Assembly to analyse the organisational and managerial consequences of the introduction of the T2a
- Participation in symposia, seminars and professional day-conferences on the themes of the evolution of finance and management of hospitals in France and elsewhere (Morocco).
- Direct teaching, drafting the educational programme and coordinating a teaching unit in the fields of financial management of establishments: accounting, financial analysis, budget management, financial guidance, cash-flow for different audiences in initial training (EDH-AHH-IASS-DESMS-DS-Engineers), on-going and university (Special Masters -Health Management)
- Teaching in co-accredited Master's – AMES – PASSP- or within the context of MOMMS agreements (agreement with the ISPED-University Bordeaux Segalen)
- International activities – University Pham Ngoc Thach Ho Chi Minh Ville – Vietnam and ESA Beirut- Lebanon
- On-going training internally with different institutions (EPS, Audit Office, ARH-ARS, CRAM, CST, UGECAM)