15, Av Professeur Léon Bernard - 35043 - RENNES

E-mail: karine.gallopel-morvan@ehesp.fr (work)

Discipline(s): social marketing

Current position: Professor

Diploma(s): PhD in Management Sciences (Marketing), Graduate School of Business Administration (IGR-IAE), University of Rennes 1, France (1998)

Affiliation(s): Institute of Management


Professor of Social Marketing at the School of Public Health (EHESP), France

Before 2011: Associate Professor of Marketing at the Graduate School of Business Administration (IGR-IAE), University of Rennes 1, France


My main research activities deal with social marketing, critical social marketing and tobacco control. I study the effect of tobacco industry marketing tactics, the impact of tobacco plain packaging and tobacco warnings on consumers.

I have published articles in international academic journals in public health and management(Tobacco control, european journal of public health, journal of business research, etc.) , book chapters, books, attended academic conférences, etc. => see CV

I am also interested in marketing and philanthropy of NGOs and healthcare organizations.



- Consultant for DG SANCO (EU) on the development of health warnings for tobacco packages, 2010-2012, Brussels

- Member of the expert group, INSERM, young people and addiction, May-September 2013, Paris- Member of the working group supervised by the Health Minister (Xavier Bertrand) on « How to conduct effective tobacco control in France ? », 2011, Paris

- Member of the « vivier de compétences » of the Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique, 2011-2014

- Member of the working group of the French Academy of Medicine, Cancer plan 2: How to conduct effective tobacco control in France ?, January-April 2009, Paris

- Member of the working Group on article 11 of the World Health Organization Framework Convention for Tobacco Control, November 2007, Manilla, Philippines

- Member of the expert group IDT (Informations Données Tabac), Office Français des Drogues et Toxicomanie (OFDT), since 2006




Current teaching:

  • Social Marketing, School of Public Health (EHESP), Graduate School of Business Administration (IGR/IAE), University of Senghor (Egypt), University of Ouagadougou 2 (Burkina Faso)
  • Tobacco control, School of Public Health (EHESP)
  • Health campaigns, School of Public Health (Rennes)
  • Marketing and philanthropy for healthcare organisations, School of Public Health (EHESP)
  • Marketing for non-profit organisations, Graduate School of Business Administration (IGR/IAE)