Mathias WAELLI

Mathias WAELLI

EHESP 96 Rue DIDOT Batiment Leriche 11 - 75014 - paris

Tel: +33 (0) 6 16 12 91 92

E-mail: (work)

Discipline(s): Health management

Current position: senior lecturer

Diploma(s): PhD in sociology

Affiliation(s): Institute of Management


Since 2010 : senior lecturer at the IDM-EHESP

2008-2010 : lecturer-researcher, ICD business school, Paris

2007 : PhD in work sociology from the university of Paris VII Denis Diderot (subjects job insecurity and large retailers)


Invisible work by nurses (QARTS) project in collaboration with UNC Chapel Hill and Columbia University

Position and role of health quality indicators (ANR PRIQS directed by Etienne Minvielle)

Personalisation of the health service (financing by the Lombard Odier foundation, project directed by Etienne Minvielle)


health management, work sociology, ethnographic method