Michèle LEGEAS

Michèle LEGEAS

Avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard CS 74312 DSET&GS - 35043 - Rennes

Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 26 77 (work) / +33 (0) 6 75 02 91 79

E-mail: michele.legeas@ehesp.fr (work)

Current position: lecturer in environmental public health

Diploma(s): PhD

Affiliation(s): Department of environmental and occupational health


On receiving my Doctorate in Science (Applied Physiology) in 1993, at the University of Rennes, I decided to change my curricualum: so I trained as a Health Engineering Engineer at the Ecole Nationale de la Santé Publique (National Public Health School) in 1984.

I became a lecturer at the ENSP in 1988, after several years of working in a private cnsultancy, then completed my skills with a course in applied epidemiology, in 1995, at the Institute for the development of applied epidemiology (IDEA).


My research work take a lateral approach to questions of environmental public health, not limited to risks alone, but attached to the treatment of situation in wich populations live and perveive their health.


Given my transversal approach to environmental public health issues, I am naturally involved in expert assessment activities, either on my own or as part of working groups, in France and abroad. The aim of these activities is primarily to analyse risk situations, health promotion and public policy support. Thus, in France, I have been able to work with many stakeholder : the government or government agencies, regional authorities, design offices, associations, etc.

As a result, I have participated, directly or through supervised student work, on projects in Mali, Laos and Burkina-Faso. This has allowed me to develop partnerships with bodies such as the WHO (World Health Organisation) and the AFD (Agence Française de Développement [French Development Agency]). It is for this reason that I am responsible for developing international Health Engineering activities for the DSET (Department of Occupational and Environmental Health).

I am involved in a number of bodies as a qualified person (ANSES [National Food Sanitary Safety Agency], Agence l'Eau Loire-Bretagne [Brittany-Loire Water Agency]) and in 2014 I chaired one of the preparatory working groups for the development of the Plan National Santé Environnement 3 [National Health and Environment Plan 3] entitled: "formation, information, dynamique territoriale" ["Training, information, territorial dynamic"].

I have also developed another type of expertise : educational engineering in general and in particular distance-learning courses. As part of this I was able to produce a strategic orientation report for the EHESP [French School of Public Health] on this subject in 2011. I then became manger of development of FOAD (Formation Ouverte et à Distance – Open and Distance Training) for the DSET&GS (Environmental and occupational health and health engineering department). This led me to work on building international partnerships, particularly with Brazil and Tunisia, to provide self-training resources in Health Engineering for emerging or developing countries.


I work with different types of audiences at the EHESP [French School of Public Health] : civil service students, Master's students, etc. I teach basic environmental health modules as well as more specific modules such as "Marisc" (management and anticipation of risks and crises) or "génie sanitaire au service de la santé publique" ["health engineering at the service of public health"].