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Affiliation(s): Collectif de recherche sur le handicap, l’autonomie, société inclusive (CoRHASI), Department of Human and Social Sciences, UMR 6051 ARENES


Doctorate in sociology. Thesis completed under the supervision of Vincent Caradec (CeRIES- Lille III) and Claude Martin (CRAPE/CNRS, EHESP). Defended publicly on 3 December 2010.

  • Title: "Des vieillesses en solitude. Trajectoires et expériences de solitude après la retraite". Université Lille III – Charles de Gaulle, 543p. Honours: Distinction, with the congratulations of the jury.
  • Prize for young researcher 2012 from the Foundation for social link – Red Cross.
  • Qualified by section 19 (Sociology, Demography) of the National Council of universities (2012).

DEA (advanced studies diploma) in political science "Public action and territories in Europe", Political Studies Institute at Rennes I, 2002.

  • Title of the dissertation: "Le suicide: du tabou à un problème de santé publique", IEP Rennes I, 235 p.

Master's in sociology, University of Rennes II, 2001.

  • Title of the dissertation: "Développement agricole et suicide en Bretagne" (Farming development and suicide in Brittany", University of Rennes II, 289 p.


My research particularly concerned the sociology of age and ageing seen from different perspectives:

  • ways of life and vulnerable situations in the elderly (suicide, poverty, solitude, poor treatment, etc.)
  • chronic diseases, particularly Alzheimer's disease
  • Policies for long-term care in France and the role of family assistants


Member of the Scientific Council for the French Foundation for Social Link-Red Cross.

Member of the monitoring committee of "Town, friend of the elderly" for Rennes.

Office holder in the association Psychology and Ageing-Rennes


Co-manager of the Establishment Diploma "Director of EHPAD (care home for dependent elderly) and users' rights: issues, tools, methods"

My teaching activities are focused on the sociology of ageing, long-term care policies in France and qualitative methods.

Coordination of the "Elderly people" workshop in the Teaching Unit "Contemporary social and health policies: population approach".

Participation in juries for defence of the establishment diploma"Director of EHPAD and users' rights: issues, tools, methods" and Directors of health care establishments, social and medical-social (DESSMS)-EHESP.

Organisation and presentation of training modules at the EHESP:

  • Interprofessional Public Health Module (MIP)
  • Inter-school session