François-Xavier SCHWEYER
EHESP Département SHS 15 Av du Pr Léon Bernard CS 72312 - 35043 - RENNES
Tel: +33 (0) 2 99 02 28 74 (work) / +33 (0) 6 08 63 46 50
Affiliation(s): Department of Human and Social Sciences, UMR 6051 ARENES
After defending a sociology thesis at Paris V in 1983, I taught sociology at Sup Telecom Bretagne from 1983 to 1989, then at the National Public Health School from 1990 to 2008. I have been a teacher at the Public Health High Studies School since 2009. I was an associate professor at CNAM (national conservatory of arts and professions), ESM (special military school) St Cyr and a teaching officer at the universities Rennes 2, Paris Dauphine, Versailles St Quentin.
My research work concerns professional transformation, particularly in health professions. A founder member of the Laboratory for the Analysis of Social and Health Policies in 1994, I took part in various research projects concerning, for example, dependency in the elderly, hospital directors, hospital engineers, and latterly on the working hours of hospital doctors, the mobility of health professionals in Europe and the offer of perinatal care.
Co-manager of Research committee 13 "health sociology" at the AISLF (international association of French-speaking sociologists) from 1996 to 2004, I worked with Prof. G. Cresson in this network to organise symposia with the publication of joint works.
Today I am a licensed member of the research team on social inequalities at the Centre Maurice Halbwachs (EHESS CNRS ENS) UMR 8097.
Research theme(s): analysis of social health inequalities relative to the care provided (notably during the perinatal period); sociology of health professions in three specific areas: publish health, organisation of first aid, and hospital; connection between professional logic and public policies.
Member of the French sociology association and the thematic network (RT) 19 "Health, medicine, sickness and disability", which I have co-managed since 2013.
Member of the International Association of French-speaking Sociologists.
Member of the editorial committee of the journal Sciences Sociales et Santé
From 1995 to 2002, I led two international projects: the Tempus project with the Nordic School of Public Health (Göteborg), the Public health school at Tampere (Finland) and the medical and technological universities of Kaunas (Lithuania) to create Masters in public health, a bilateral project with Kaunas universities.
Since 2007, I have been appointed expert at HAS (High Health Authority) several times. After being a member of the regional networks committee, I was chairman of the regional council for quality and coordination of care in Brittany, from 2007 to 2010. I was also a member of the Consensus commission for hospital missions (Larcher Commission (2007-2008).
Since 2010 I have been an appointed member of the Supervisory Council for the Regional health agency in Brittany. And also elected member of the EHESP Board of administrators (since 2011) and appointed member of the Orientation Committee of the National Observatory of health profession demography (ONDPS) (since 2012).
My teaching concerns health sociology, professional sociology and work organisation.
I teach students at the EHESP (Physicians, public health inspectors, Pharmacists public health inspectors, Health studies engineers, Hospital directors, Wound care directors; Hospital administration officers, Principle inspectors of health and social affairs) and to students in both Master's coaccredited by the IEP of University Rennes 1 and the EHESP.
I also took part in the Hospital Plus establishment diploma sessions and the Interprofessional module in public health.
I am the manager of the Master's 2 "Guiding public health policies and actions" PPASP.