Documentary resources

La banque de données en santé publique (BDSP – Public Health Database)

The BDSP network is a group of organisations managed by the EHESP.

The BDSP network was set up on the initiative of the General Health Management and, since 1993, has been providing on-line information services for professionals in the health and welfare field.
Go to the BDSP website

EHESP library

The EHESP library manages 18,000 publications and reports, 10,280 magazines (paper and web) and 11,000 theses and student reports, the most recent of which can be accessed in full text on this website.
Visit the website service documentation

EHESP theses

Read the EHESP theses

Interprofessional public health modules

Since 1999, reports produced by interprofessional modules, bringing together about ten undergraduates from a number of different branches, have dealt with public health priorities.
Go to the reports

Watch bulletins

The Documentation’s department of EHESP School of Public Health develops various monitoring products in order to follow epidemiological news of certain diseases, health and social news, legal news in public health, etc.
Go to the website of the Documentation department

Teaching resources

On-line teaching resources (REAL)

REALThe REAL platform is designed to enable students to have on-line access to teaching resources considered essential by teachers and course managers (course material, exercices, timetable, use of office automation software, etc.).


Go to REAL

EHESP publications

Presses de l'EHESPPublications, software and multimedia for professionals and other people in the health, welfare and care fields. Publications on human and social sciences dealing with major themes or issues specific to this field.
Go to the EHESP publications website

Public Health Reviews

Public Health Review is the 1st review journal in English entirely devoted to Public Health to be freely available to the public.
The Public Health Reviews editorial board is international, composed of 27 members, approximately half of which are from Europe and the rest from North America.