The French School of Public Health is engaged in numerous training and research projects with partners in Europe (Belgium, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom), on the American continent (Brazil, Canada, United States), in Africa (Algeria, Benin, the CEMAC) and in Asia (China, Vietnam).
As a general rule, cooperations are formalized by partnership agreements specifying the objectives and fields covered, the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, as well as the implementation modalities.
Download the list of partnership framework agreements (pdf, 99 kb)
Download the list of bilateral Erasmus agreements (pdf, 100 kb)
Our partners

EHESP School of Public Health is a partner of the Agence Française de Développement: a collaboration based on the sharing of expertise in public health in the service of development assistance.
Aiming to strengthen the impact of sectoral and geographical interventions, this partnership involves the implementation of:
– training of professionals in the public health sector and hospital executives;
– training courses in AFD’s countries of intervention;
– training and capacity building projects in hospital management at the international level.
EHESP School of Public Health and AFD also collaborate on studies, research projects and the sharing of expertise in areas of common interest.
For more information: Read the press release issued 15/11/18 (in French)
EHESP School of Public Health is also a partner of Expertise France – a French public international cooperation agency. This partnership strengthens an existing collaboration, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.
In Côte d’Ivoire, EHESP School of Public Health was involved in a health project managed by Expertise France and financed by debt reduction and development contract (C2D) from 2016 to 2018. This project aims to professionalize and enhance the functions of the Ivorian General Inspectorate of Health in order to improve its effectiveness.
In Congo-Brazzaville, EHESP was participating in a project to strengthen hospital governance led by Expertise France and funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) from 2016 to 2018.
Rennes International Mobility Centre (IMC)
The Rennes International Mobility Centre (IMC) is part of Université de Rennes. The IMC consists of 11 Higher education institutions in Rennes and the Rennes Metropole District Council. The aims dedicated to international development are the following:
- Services for international undergraduate and graduate students
- Services for international PhD students
- Services for international researchers
- Development of international mobility among Rennes-based students
- Communication / Events management
For more information, please visit Rennes International Mobility Centre website.

Network of Francophone Public Health Institutions
The Network of Francophone Public Health Institutions (REFESP) was created in 2020 under the impetus of EHESP with the support of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). The REFESP brings together a dozen public health training institutions and its mission is to facilitate the exchange of good practices between its members. The network also aims to strengthen the role of schools of public health in supporting health systems.
For more information, visit the REFESP website (in French).
The French School of Public Health is an active member of numerous international networks in the fields of higher education and public health :
- ALASS (Asociación Latina para el Análisis de los Sistemas de Salud)
- ASPPH (Association of School and Programs of Public Health)
- ASPHER (Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region)
- AUF (Agence Universitaire de la francophonie)
- Campus France
- CGE (Conférence des grandes Ecoles)
- CMI (Centre de mobilité internationale de Rennes)
- EHMA (European Health Management Association)
- EUPHA (European Public Health Association)
- EURODIR (European transnational network of training organisations for directors of welfare institutions)
- Expertise France
- IDA – Rennes (Institut des Amériques de Rennes)
- IUHPE – UIPES (International union for health promotion and education)
- REFESP (Network of francophone public health institutions)