The EHESP School of Public Health and the University of Rennes 2 will organise the conference “Vulnerable young people and the system of social care (public policy, professional practice, and young people’s trajectories)” on the 20th-21st September 2012 in Rennes.

The conference will thus be structured around 4 thematic axes:

  • Local and national settings for public action aimed at vulnerable young people
  • Professional intervention and provisions proposed for vulnerable young people
  • Young people’s trajectories and forms of vulnerability
  • How do social and health policies and the use made of support systems construct youth vulnerability?

Download the call for paper (pdf, 217 kb)

Abstracts for proposed contributions should not exceed 300 words, including notes and references, and must be submitted by 15 April 2012 at the latest to

Published on 2 April 2012