“Using new information and communication technologies in the practice of field epidemiology. Benefits and limitations.”
At a time when information flows in real time and decision-makers need data fast, epidemiologists need to be able to respond quickly and accurately!
New technologies, from the internet to GPS to smartphones, have transformed our lives and offer new perspectives for epidemiologists: rapid data collection, accessible information sources, large volumes of data, etc.
What are the consequences in terms of gathering, processing and analysing epidemiological data?
The presentations and discussions will focus particularly on new trends in sampling and data gathering.
Association EPITER
Château de Vacassy, 12 rue du Val d’Osne
94415 Saint-Maurice cedex, France
Tél : +33 (0) 1 41 79 57 43 – Fax : +33 (0) 1 41 79 68 45
E-mail : epiter@epiter.org