Claire Shea et Miki Duruz lors de la visite guidée de RennesIn the framework of the partnership between the Mailman School of Public Health from Columbia University and the EHESP French School of Public Health, 3 American Masters students complete an 8-weeks practicum placement in teaching and research departments at the EHESP. The practica projects are the following ones:

The students arrived in France around mid-May. A welcoming-day with a guided tour of the city was organized for the students doing their practicum in Rennes. These students will take part in conferences organized around themes of public health at EHESP. Added to that research work during their practicum, they will also participate to several seminars and round-tables proposed within the framework of the integrative modules of Europubhealth master degree.

Marlyn Delva, who represents the Mailman School of Public Health – University of Columbia, will be in France from 11th till 13th of July for an evaluation of the different practica.

Photo : Claire Shea and Miki Duruz during the guided tour of the city of Rennes


Claudine Mauduit, International mobility assistant
Tél: +33 (0) 2 99 02 26 91 – E-mail :

Fanny Helliot, International mobility manager
Tél : +33 (0) 2 99 02 29 93 – E-mail :

Published on 4 June 2013