The EHESP French School of public health has celebrated the 10th anniversary of the international forum, an annual event that forms part of the teaching programme for Public health and social welfare inspector programme (IASS students), Social and care institution management programme (DESSMS students), Hospital manager programme (EDH students).
In 2013, 42% of the students embarked on a work placement abroad in one of the 24 host countries (in Africa, in America, in Asia and in Europe). During this event, 71 students have shared their experience with their colleagues, the research lecturers who have supervised them, panels, and foreign placement tutors representing EHESP European partner organisations such as HOPE and ASPHER as well as foreign host institutions.
The international forum is a unique opportunity to meet these representatives from different countries and benefit from their insights and experience. The representatives of 8 countries took part in the forum this year: Belgium, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Canada, Italy, Morocco, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Work placements abroad enable students to develop an open mind, adaptability, and improve their powers of analysis and perspective.
In the 9 feedback workshops, the students explained how they developed skills in global healthcare, and how these placements will be contributing to their future work : in terms of developing abilities, ethics and professional practice, healthcare equality and social justice, strategic analysis, collaboration and partnership, programme management, and nurturing policy, social and cultural awareness. To add to this international perspective still further, two placement feedback workshops were in English on global health.
Under the International relations team initiative, students, international guests, administrative and faculty staff members came together to share a dance and a friendly moment. Move for your health!
Laurence Houari
Chargée de valorisation des actions internationales
Direction des relations internationales, EHESP
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