
The 1st PRINCEPS seminar was held on Wednesday, 9 July 2014 in Paris in the presence of the panel responsible for assessing the programme and deciding on the conditions of further funding.

Presentation and objective

The Interdisciplinary research programme on health crises and health protection proposes to promote, fund and lead interdisciplinary research initiatives, bringing together 30 or so teams within the Community of universities and establishments of Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC), specialised in biomedicine, epidemiology, public health and social sciences.
The aim of the programme is to promote the emergence of regulatory sciences in the field of health and in connection with public operators (health agencies, the French National Authority for Health (HAS), etc.)

Methodology/Areas of work

The programme covers several fields:

  1. Environmental toxicology
  2. Healthcare and medical practices
  3. Addictive substances
  4. Emerging infectious diseases

Issues concerning health risks, relating to predictability, vulnerability, acceptability and resilience, are addressed in a cross-cutting manner in these areas.


The multidisciplinary steering committee brings together teacher-researchers from the EHESP, Sciences Po, Paris Descartes, and Paris Diderot.
Composition of the steering committee:

  • Pascal Astagneau, Coordinator, Director of the Department of epidemiology and biostatistics of EHESP;
  • Robert Barouki, Director of UMR-S747 – Pharmacology, toxicology and cell signalling, P5, CNRS and Inserm;
  • Frank Bellivier, UMR-S1144 – VariaPsy Variability of the Response to Psychotropic Drugs, P5, P7, CNRS, Inserm;
  • Daniel Benamouzig, UMR 7116 – Center for the Sociology of Organizations, Sciences Po, CNRS;
  • Olivier Borraz, Director of UMR 7116 – Center for the Sociology of Organizations, Sciences Po, CNRS;
  • Soraya Boudia, UMR-S 8211 – Medicine, Science, Health, and Mental Health Research Center, P5, EHESS, CNRS, INSERM;
  • Yann Le Strat, U 894 – Psychiatry & Neurosciences Center, P5, Inserm;
  • Laurence Simmat-Durand, UMR-S 8211 – Medicine, Science, Health, and Mental Health Research Center, P5, EHESS, CNRS, INSERM;
  • Jean-Hugues Trouvin, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Health Products and Public Health, P5 / General Agency for Equipment and Health Products, AP-HP.


The actions undertaken as part of the PRINCEPS programme are intended to:

  • Encourage European and international collaboration (visits from associate lecturers)
  • Coordinate a network that brings together the scientific community, health agencies, public authorities and civil society (seminars, web platform, etc.)
  • Encourage interdisciplinary research at an early stage (financing of PhDs and second-year master’s degree work placements)
  • Contribute to training (MOOCs)


The programme receives funding from the Community of universities and establishments of Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC) Investissements d’Avenir (Investments for the Future) programme (2014-2016).
The field of “healthcare and medical practices” also receives specific funding (2014-2015) for the Health Safety in Healthcare project (S3), obtained in response to an in-house call to tender by the French School of Public Health, EHESP, for the Emergence and Support of Open Research Structures (ESSOR).

Coordination Team

Modified on 13 March 2017