The “Sorbonne Paris Cité” project was short-listed by the panel, on Sunday 6 November 2011, for the 2nd stage of the call for Initiatives d’excellence (Idex) projects of the “Grand emprunt”. 5 of the 11 projects submitted in September 2011 were short-listed: those from the research and higher education centres of Sorbonne Paris Cité, Aix-Marseille University, Lorraine University, HESAM and Paris-Saclay campus.
Project applications must be finalised by 8 December 2011. They will be in competition with the 4 projects short-listed in the first stage of this call for projects – Grenoble, Lyon-Saint-Etienne, Sorbonne Universities and Toulouse. The projects will again be assessed by an international panel. The winners of this 2nd stage of Idex should be announced in February 2012.