NB: The PhD student doctoral school registration procedures are those for the PhD course.



What are the admission criteria?

Application to the doctoral course is open to students with a master or equivalent qualification. Selection is especially based on the following criteria:

  1. Methodological quality
  2. Quality of the supervisory staff (thesis director, host laboratory, international partnerships) and compatibility of the applicant’s skills with the project
  3. Priority themes on the occupational health plan
  4. Consequences: project with potential to produce significant and innovative results with respect to occupational health challenges, in a public health perspective.
  5. The interdisciplinary nature of the planned approach, without it being mandatory, will be considered a plus.

The PhD student should also provide the agreement in principle from their doctoral school (on the condition 3-year funding is granted).

Is there an age limit to register?

Registration is open to all ages and nationalities (see above).

How to apply for a research grant?

By submitting the application via the on-line form before 31 May 2018.

If the application is admissible, they will be required to present their research project to the doctoral course scientific board (July 2018).

What are the special conditions for a foreign PhD?

They should ensure they observe the conditions of stay on French soil.


Which languages are used?

Proficiency in French and English during training should be ensured, in order to facilitate exchange as much with international students as with lecturers.

When does it start?

On 1st October usually.

Are there compulsory classes?

Yes, PhD students should undergo training in addition to that required by their doctoral school, by validating 15 credits. These courses promote interdisciplinarity.

What is the study programme?

See the list of seminars certified by the occupational health doctoral course scientific board and the activities of the EHESP’s public health doctoral network.

Where does the training take place?

The PhD is prepared within a host team at the doctor school registered at.

Additional training takes place on the premises of the research teams presenting one or several certified seminars.

Do the 15 ects to be validated correspond only to the courses offered? Is it possible to validate participation in other classes, research seminars, teaching experience, … ?

The Scientific Board decides on the list of training courses (course, seminars, etc.). Teaching experience cannot be validated. It is however possible to validate credits with training not on the list, on the condition that the doctoral course manager approves it first.


In order to embark on a PhD thesis, applicants must find a source of funding that will allow them to receive an income for the 3 years of the programme.

– Doctoral contract offers –

The doctoral contract is a 3-year contract whose remuneration is set by ministerial decree. It may include missions other than the research activities involved in preparing the PhD. The minimum monthly gross salary for PhD students under contract is 1 758 Euro, on the condition the provisions set out in article 2 of the order of 29 August 2016 are met.

  • The Doctoral Network awards doctoral contracts based on the results of an entrance examination. To apply for a Doctoral Network doctoral contract, see the Application section.
  • In partnership with the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS), the School for Higher Studies in Public Health (EHESP) and the Doctoral Network for public health, and coordinated by the EHESP, the French National Cancer Institute (INCa), is launching a call for applications for doctoral grants.
  • In 2018, the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research is continuing the campaign to allocate disability doctoral contracts to applicants with recognised disability.
  • The French Ministry of Defence (DGRIS) is launching a call for tenders to finance the doctoral grants in the field of international relations and strategy, for public research and higher education institutions.

You will find PhD funding opportunities on the following sites:

  • Association Bernard Grégory
  • Campus France
  • European Funding Guide
  • National research and technology association (CIFRE grants)

– For foreign students or those who wish to study abroad –

  • Mobility and excellence grants

See the information on mobility grants and grant proposals

Eiffel Scholarships are reserved for foreign Master and Doctorate students. Download the application forms from the website: http://www.egide.asso.fr/eiffel

  • Offers from laboratories and universities in France

Are you a foreign student wishing to study for a PhD in France? Go to the PhD in France website where you will find offers from French laboratories and universities.

Modified on 4 July 2018