The Public Health Doctoral Network (Réseau Doctoral en Santé Publique) contributes to the creation of a community of professionals and researchers who share a common culture in public health.
The Doctoral Network thus builds upon: multidisciplinary training of PhD candidates, interdisciplinary practice, international experience.
- Member doctoral schools
- Studying for a PhD as part of the Doctoral Network
- Applying to the Doctoral Network
- News
- Contacts
An interdisciplinary public health network
The Public Health Doctoral Network, created in 2008 and coordinated by the EHESP (School for Higher Studies in Public Health), consists of 11 member doctoral schools from all over France, covering a number of disciplinary fields (Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Data sciences and modelling, Environmental and Occupational Health, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Economics and Management, Health Policies and Law)
The Public Health Doctoral Network aims to facilitate multidisciplinary training of PhD candidates and develop their interdisciplinary and international practice in order, in the long term, to promote the emergence of a community of professionals and researchers that share a common culture in public health.
With this end in mind, the PhD candidates receive multidisciplinary training in public health in addition to the training that they pursue in their doctoral school. The Doctoral Network also encourages PhD candidates to conduct a small research project in a laboratory abroad.
Each year, the Doctoral Network awards several doctoral scolarships, assuring a salary for the selected PhD candidates over 3 years.
Member doctoral schools
The member doctoral schools of the Doctoral Network are located all over France
The Doctoral Network is coordinated by the EHESP and consists of 11 member doctoral schools from all over France, covering a number of complementary fields:
- ED 62 – Life and health sciences – Aix-Marseille University
- ED 262 – Legal sciences, politic, economic and management sciences – Paris Cité University
- ED 266 – Biology, health and environment – University of Lorraine
- ED 286 – EHESS – School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences
- ED 393 – Pierre Louis doctoral school of public health: epidemiology and biomedical information science » – UPMC
- EDSP – Public Health – Paris-Saclay University – Paris-Est University
- ED 545 – Society, politics, public health – Bordeaux University
- ED DSP – Law and political science – Rennes University
- ED EDGE – Economics and management Sciences – Rennes University
- ED ESC – Spaces, societies, civilizations – Rennes 2 University
- ED SVS – Life science and health -Rennes University
Studying for a PhD as part of the Doctoral Network
The process

The PhD candidates enrol in one of the member doctoral schools and thus respect the obligations of their doctoral school. They conduct their research project with their host team and pursue the training provided by their doctoral school.
In addition, as members of the Doctoral Network, their PhD theses must also comply with the obligations of the Doctoral Network:
- The thesis must be completed within 3 years, or 6 years in the case of practising professionals completing their theses on a part-time basis.
- The thesis may be written in French or English If it is written in English, a substantial abstract in French will be requested, and vice versa if the thesis is written in French
- The PhD must concern a main public health field as well as a secondary field (Biostatistics and information sciences; Epidemiology; Health, environment and labour; Economy, Management, Health law and policy; Social sciences, humanities and behavioural sciences; Nursing)
- The PhD student receives multidisciplinary training and validates 30 training credits
- The PhD student is encouraged to conduct a small research project in a laboratory abroad
Training and credits
The PhD candidates of the Doctoral Network are required to undergo additional doctoral training in public health. This 3-year training programme is worth 30 credits.
Throughout the thesis, the PhD candidatesparticipate in several activities :
- Undergo training in public health fields outside the field covered by their thesis project
- Organise in small groups, interdisciplinary seminars on current issue in public health
- Attend one or several interdisciplinary seminars organised by others PhD candidates
- Participate in the Doctoral Network’s Scientific Meetings
- Write an interdisciplinary synopsis in the third year of the PhD thesis
- Attend the seminar “PhD thesis guide” at the start of the thesis
- Partake in a choice of other activities including: public health training, interdisciplinary seminars, Scientific Meetings, research in a laboratory abroad, institutional activities at the EHESP, etc.
Download Programme formations 2022_2023(pdf 911 ko)
Why join the Public Health Doctoral Network?
By becoming members of the Doctoral Network, PhD candidates benefit from :
- additional public health training: The PhD candidates receive interdisciplinary training that is provided free of charge by the EHESP and the member doctoral schools of the Doctoral Network. For this, they receive a mobility grant to enable them to travel to the training venue.
- aid for visiting a research laboratory abroad : PhD candidates are encouraged to conduct a small research project abroad. For this, they can receive a specific mobility grant.
- Exchanges with peers: As part of the Doctoral Network, the PhD candidates network across disciplines.
- The Doctoral Network label : The PhD candidates who meet the Doctoral Network criteria are awarded the label “Thesis prepared within the Doctoral Network for public health, coordinated by the EHESP”
- a doctoral scolarship : The Doctoral Network awards doctoral scolarships based on the results of a viva selection. To apply for a scolarship application form, you must not have started your doctoral project.
The Doctoral Network label
The PhD candidates receive a PhD degree issued by the university in which they are enrolled. If they have met the Doctoral Network criteria, their thesis will be awarded the label ‘Thesis prepared within the Doctoral Network for public health, coordinated by the EHESP”.
Applying to the Doctoral Network
The PhD candidates enrol in one of the member doctoral schools and thus respect the obligations of their doctoral school. The conduct their research project whitin host laboratgory and pursue the training provided by their doctoral school.
Doctoral Network
Applications to the Doctoral Network are now closed.
Doctoral contracts
Applications for Doctoral contracts are now closed.
Consult Public Health Doctoral Network thesis
Interdisciplinary seminars
From the end of 2014, the PhD candidates of the Doctoral Network will offer interdisciplinary seminars in which participants from various disciplines will be able to exchange about various public health issues. These seminars will last around a day, and will usually take place at the EHESP or the member doctoral schools.
Scientific Meetings
The Scientific Meetings of the Doctoral Network are organised every year and allow the PhD candidates of the Doctoral Network to present their research and exchange about public health issues within an interdisciplinary context.
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