Presentation and objective

The objective of the Health Safety in Healthcare (S3) programme is to organise a research group which works on the epidemiological and psycho-sociological dimensions of the safety of healthcare and medical practices.

In collaboration with the health agencies, the researchers in this group contribute to improving monitoring and predictive tools, via innovative methods for analysing extensive medico-administrative databases and algorithms for the detection of critical health events. They work on the assessment of healthcare strategies, epidemic control and the optimisation of patient care pathways.

The mission of the S3 research group is to:

  • improve scientific output in the field of health safety in healthcare;
  • provide material, via research, for health executive training to accompany changing practices.


The programme’s actions involve:

  • a quarterly research seminar on health safety in healthcare, bringing together the researchers and operational stakeholders of the French public health sector;
  • exploratory study missions to study models other than the French model and to initiate international collaborations regarding health safety in healthcare.


List of recent publications by members of the programme:

Fundings and partnerships

S3 has been awarded 2 years of funding (2014-2015), obtained in response to an in-house call to tender by the French School of Public Health, EHESP, for the Emergence and Support of Open Research Structures (ESSOR). It is one of the fields of the interdisciplinary research programme on health crises and health protection (PRINCEPS), led by the EHESP and funded by the Community of universities and establishments of Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC).

Organisation and members

The steering committee in charge of the scientific issues is made up of EHESP researchers that are specialists in the discipline: Pascal Astagneau, Emilie Counil, Pascal Crépey, Nolwenn Le Meur, Emmanuelle Leray and Judith Mueller du Department of epidemiology and biostatistics et d’Aymery Constant et Jocelyn Raude du Department of Human and Social Sciences.


Modified on 9 September 2015