
SODA-TAX is a 4-years research project (2019-2023) gathering a mutlidisciplinary consortium of teams which analyses the development, implementation and effects of the ‘soda tax’ applied in France since July 2018. This tax is now indexed to the added sugar content of the drink and offers an opportunity to learn new lessons from its development, implementation and early effects at a time when interest in this public policy is growing internationally.

Dowlowd the SODA-TAX project presentation (pdf, 2 Mo)

A multidisciplinary research consortium

A mutlidisciplinary research consortium has been conveyed (health promotion, economics and econometrics, nutritional epidemiology, law) to develop the SODA-TAX project. Mixed methods (case studies, content analysis, modelling, cross-sectional population surveys, etc.) are applied in a large set of qualitative and quantitative data.

The EHESP School of Public Health (SHS Department – Arènes Laboratory, UMR CNRS 6051) coordinates this research consortium in collaboration with the following French research structures and institutions :

  • The Paris School of Economics (PSE)
  • National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE – ALISS Research Unit)
  • University Sorbonne Paris Nord (EREN Team)
  • The Université of Nantes

Work Packages

1- Analysis of the social-political process

The EHESP School of Public Health coordinates SODA-TAX project and analyses the social-political process that led to the design and adoption of the tax and the factors influencing its implementation.

2- Economic study

The 2nd work package by INRAE and PSE teams is dedicated to the economic study of the impact of the tax on prices, consumers’ living standards ans its potential effects on consumption levels.

3- Study of the receptiveness

The 3rd work package on the study of receptiveness of the tax by French consumers (acceptablity, knowledge, intentions) is undertaken by the EREN Team of the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord.

4- Examination of the legal framework

The University of Nantes is in charge of the 4th work package devoted to the examination of the legal framework of the tax and its potential application to other foods/nutrients.


The research project SODA TAX is funded by the French League against cancer through the 2018 General Grant Cycle of the Institute for Public Health Research (IReSP) – Prevention and health promotion section.


SODA TAX Project coordinator
t: +33 (0)2 99 02 26 27 –

SODA TAX Project coordinator
t: +33 (0)2 99 02 24 61 –

Modified on 29 July 2021