New technologies or services are a source of therapeutic progress but also of expenditure and sometimes even inhumanity or medical inequality if they are badly incorporated or badly distributed. They are a major challenge for the future of medicine and health.


The Institute of Management created the Management of Health technologies chair at the EHESP to:

  • Monitor technological developments in this field
  • Draw up an outlook for the future that is sufficiently clear
  • Anticipate the consequences of the use of technologies on healthcare organisations and professional practices.

Research programmes

Given the acute problems of financing hospitals and health systems on the one hand, and the increased proportion of elderly and disabled persons, with all the associated multiple pathologies and chronic diseases on the other, the role and fair use of health technologies and medical acts that depend on these technologies appear as very important factors. Through medical acts, they have a direct effect on health, just as medicaments do.
Furthermore, health technologies are now deployed more often in public places and at private homes, extending the scope of their use beyond hospitals to which they were previously confined.
The 2 main lines of research of the Management of Health technologies chair are:

  • Study of the application of new health technologies, on the links between companies, healthcare establishments and the various bodies involved in financing or clinical or legal recognition of the new technologies.
  • Analysis of the productivity processes obtained by the use of medical technologies and by their inclusion as part of hospital equipment, in particular to gain a better understanding and a better evaluation of the effect of the size and complexity of hospital equipment on practices.


Francois LangevinFrançois Langevin, holder of the Management of Health technologies chair.

Modified on 22 March 2017