This course is aimed at candidates who pass the internal or external competitive exam. It was awarded to EHESP by the decree of 30 October 1990.


The key mission of a Public Health engineering manager sits at the point where health and environment meet. They perform a top-tier technical role and are assigned to regional health agencies (ARS) or the departments of the Ministry of Health or Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN).

Objectives and skills

Profesionnals objectives

The Public Health engineering manager is responsible for designing and implementing preventive and curative measures aimed at protecting the health of populations from the risks associated with environments and lifestyles. Its field of intervention concerns water (consumption, leisure, etc.), air, noise, food, waste. As such, it contributes to environmental health monitoring and the administrative and technical control of hygiene rules, to the consideration of health objectives in development and equipment policies and to the control of chronic or accidental disturbances of living environments. He is also in charge of managerial functions, temporary or permanent inspection tasks.

Skills outcomes

  • Managing an organisation;
  • Giving decision-making assistance in the field of health and environment;
  • Designing, leading and assessing a public health project;
  • Specialising in health and environment within a public health context;
  • Drafting regulatory texts and doctrines;
  • Designing or contributing to the implementation of a monitoring, warning and health management system;
  • Carrying out inspections in the field of health and the environment.

Entry requirements

Competitive exam open to holders of an engineering diploma included on a list set by joint order of the Minister for Health and the Minister responsible for the Public Service: see Title II of Decree No 90-973 of 30 October 1990.

Provided that the general conditions are met, this competitive exam is open to candidates with an engineering degree or another degree at level 7/8 (former nomenclature: level I (Master/Doctorate)) AND who have either:

  • specialised engineering and risk management mastery in environmental health and occupational health delivered by the EHESP School of Public Health;
  • the diploma in Health Engineering issued by EHESP.


Course information

Véronique ZASTAWNY – Tél : +33 (0)2 99 02 26 07

To find out more about the job and eligibility criteria for the competitive exam, visit the website of the Ministry of Health.

Modified on 17 January 2025