The INCa/IReSP/EHESP Chair for Research in cancer prevention discontinued its work on 5 July 2018, however work on the TC-REG project will continue until 31 December 2019.

The Institut national du cancer (INCa), the Institut de recherche en santé publique (IReSP) and the EHESP have associated themselves to create a Chair dedicated to prevention research in the field of cancer.

The INCa jointly with the IReSP, endow this Chair for at least 3 years at the Department of Human and Social Sciences of the EHESP. The Chair benefits from the support of a scientific committee composed of nationally and internationally renowned experts.

Chair team

Linda Cambon, professor holder of the INCa/IReSP/EHESP chair for research in cancer prevention.
She is also a lecturer and associate researcher at the University of Lorraine (Nancy). Her research work focuses mainly on the transferability of health promotion interventions, the evaluation of complex prevention interventions and the transfer of knowledge.

Audrey Petit, research engineer.

Victoria Pagani, Ph.D. student.

Olivier Aromatario, doctorant,

Maryse Marrière, administrative assistance support.


  • Develop a research programme focusing on interventional research methodology and prevention transfer of knowledge, and in particular on changes in cancer risk behaviour.
  • Allow strengthening the interactions between research, decision and practice.
  • Develop a teaching programme for students, professionals, field workers and decision-makers.

Research subjects

Develop interventional research projects applied to cancer prevention

Propose multi-disciplinary and collaborative research projects (researchers/workers/decision-makers), on the principal cancer risk factors, with the objective of studying their efficacy in different institutional, social and population contexts using mixed assessment methods.

Develop research in transfer of knowledge applied to cancer

Study and experiment the transfer of knowledge procedures in the drafting and implementation of cancer prevention policies in France. This aspects of the research in particular concern the study of decisional processes concerning the integration of evidence-based approaches, the transferability of cancer prevention interventions, the means of disseminating the interventions and the policies related to cancer prevention in different operational or decision-making settings.

Teaching and training

The Chair provides higher education in public health linking the training with the EHESP offer and the existing offers of French universities.

The Chair thus proposes teaching on 4 subjects:

  • Subject 1: Health determinants that can be influenced by prevention
  • Subject 2: Existing evidence-based interventional data in cancer prevention
  • Subject 3: Research methods in prevention
  • Subject 4: Use of evidence-based data in health practice and decision-making

Functions and activities of the chair

Seminars and conferences

  • Ethical and Methodological issues of use of smart connected devices in prevention. Cambon L. – 17-18 nov. 2016 (Paris)
  • Ethical and Methodological issues of use of smart connected devices in prevention. Cambon L et al. – E-Health Research 2016,  Inserm. 12 oct. 2016 (Paris)
  • Knowledge transfer (Symposium). Cambon L. – 22nd World conference on health promotion: promoting health and equity, 22-26 May 2016 (Curitiba – Brazil)
  • International Workshop on Intervention Research (IResP, INCa, ANRS) : 16 nov. 2016
  • Public health initiative for the interaction of research, intervention and decision-making (InSPIRe-ID), Petitjean F, Chambaud L, Cambon L.- 4 nov. 2015 (Tours)


  • Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency conditions of Tobacco info service programme (CNAMTS funding)
  • Thesis (BIOSE Graduate School): “La fabrique des comportements : analyse du processus de normativité en santé publique (Manufacturing behaviour: analysis of the public health standardisation process)”
  • RESIST interventional research programme (INCa funding) jointly with the EA 4360 APEMAC laboratory


  • University teaching: Licence 3, Masters 1 and 2 of the University of Lorraine (Ecole de santé publique de Nancy), DIU “Therapeutic education – education for health” of François Rabelais University, Tours
  • “Interaction Science and Action” programme jointly with the National Federation of promotion and education for health
Modified on 26 February 2019