Degree courses
The DSET brings its expertise to EHESP’s degree courses in the field of environmental and occupational health, each with specific recruitment criteria and career prospects:
Advanced Master in Health and Environment: challenges for industrial and local development (co-accredited with Mines ParisTech) – in French
Understanding the environmental and health impacts of economic and local planning decisions in order to conduct projects with an integrated vision of the challenges involved.
Open to professionals or graduates (with a master course level, or less if they have professional experience) with various profiles – urban planning, medicine, business schools, engineering, pharmacy, environmental science, political science, architecture… – willing to broaden their knowledge and skills in environment and/or public health in order to work in an interdisciplinary context.
The course is offered as a “work-study program” for 12 or 22 months, with 550 teaching hours and a 5-month professional mission leading to the writing of a professional thesis.
Go to the description of the Advanced Master in Health and Environment: challenges for industrial and local development
Master in public health and environmental risk(co-accredited with Paris 5, Paris 11 and Nancy 1 Universities) – in French
Expertise in risk assessment for threat prevention in life environments.
Open to professionals or graduates with academic backgrounds in life/health science or environmental science, willing to perform study, consulting or expertise activities (‘professional’ pathway) or research (‘research’ pathway in laboratories, agencies or companies). This degree-awarding course (4- month academic teaching and 5- to 6-month internship) certifies the recipient’s skills in environmental public health (epidemiology, statistics, toxicology, risk assessment methods).
Go to the description of the Master in public health and environmental risk
Master of Public Health (MPH): specialization in “Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences” – in English
Understanding local and global environment-related threats.
Open mainly to graduates with academic backgrounds in life/health science or environmental science. As the MPH gathers students with various backgrounds from all over the world, this specialization – like the previous master course – allows students to acquire a strong expertise in risk assessment and threat prevention related to life environments, with an added international dimension.
Go to the MPH website
All the courses above may be taken as initial training or continuous education.
Find out about the main features of our degree courses in this comparative chart (pdf, 155 kb).
Courses for civil servants
The DSET plays a major role in training public servants and continuous education for health ministry personnel in charge of environmental health (Health design engineers, Health Engineering managers and Health technicians). The department also contributes on an ad hoc basis to courses for civil servants working in other fields (public health medical inspectors (MISP), public health pharmacy inspectors (PHISP), etc.).
Go to information on courses for civil servants
Continuous education courses
The department provides several continuous education courses on methodological aspects, health engineering techniques and technologies and topical environmental health matters.