The EHESP Institute of Management aims to develop and apply research and expertise in Management through a range of publications on the theme: Changing health systems, organisations and professional practices.
The research carried out at the Institute of Management is designed to use the results of research work to bring a new expertise to the field of health management.
The Institute of management’s research aims to:
- Take part in disciplinary academic discussion and publications based on detailed empirical analyses
- Throw light on experience of players in the field by using observation and analysis tables that will produce a general overview
- Contribute to the content of courses for pupils and students at the EHESP
Main research themes
- Comparative management
- Changing professional practices: critical approach to management practices
- Identification of managerial skills of healthcare managers
- Hospital reorganisation: merger and cooperation
- Changing organisations (unit heads)
- Performance based remuneration
- Role of marketing in health and welfare establishments and in health policies
- Program rationale and health performance systems
- Management of health technologies
- Structuring decision-taking
- Governance, internal management of establishments
- Financial strategy
Institute of Management publications
Research and expertise directory lists the various publications and reports for the period 2007-2013:
- 57 articles referenced in AERES reports or international databases
- 12 books (single author or co-authors)
- 39 chapters in single author or co-authors books
The work of the Institute of Management team in terms of consultancy and the extent to which their research has been disseminated can be seen from:
- 203 papers to national or international academic conferences (with and without proceedings) and conference organisedby IDM members.
- 27 consultancy missions and/or audits completed and/or in progress
- 55 articles published in managerial and professional journals
In 2011 the Institute of management set up 2 chairs:
- The Management of Health Facilities Chair (Holder: Etienne MINVIELLE, University Professor in management sciences, Strasbourg School of Management)
- The Health technologies management Chair (Holder: François LANGEVIN, Professor at the Institute of management).
The Institute of management and the 2 chairs are setting up research and expertise seminars open to outside researchers and to professionals. Nearly 50 seminars will be organised over 2 years. These will lead to articles in professional journals and AERES reports (Agence d’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur – Agency for the evaluation of research and higher education) as well as to publications.
Conferences will also be organised to allow meetings between researchers and professionals and the distribution of scientific research to professionals (eg: conference in June 2012 on financing capital investment in the health and welfare sectors). This will also help to increase the visibility of the Institute of management.