The EHESLogo UTC CompiègneP and the Université de technologie de Compiègne (UTC) are working together to organise the Post-Master in Health Technology Engineering and Management, in response to the latest challenges in the design and functioning of healthcare establishments.
Logo MS Mastère spécialiséThis Post-Master is accredited by the Conférence des grandes écoles.



The program meets the following objectives:

  • responds to a need to de-compartmentalize engineering disciplines within hospitals, regional regulatory bodies and businesses involved in the project management of new healthcare establishments
  • offers engineers in post advanced training within a context of profound and fast transformation, not just at local level, but also at the level of health territories
  • gives hospital engineers, regional regulatory bodies, businesses, design offices and health architecture cabinets, more responsibility, by providing them with the best management tools.

The Post-Master in Health Technology Engineering and Management aims to incite both public and private organisations to make new tools their own: biomedical innovation, using geographic IT systems to help make the right decisions with regard to location or meetings, using medical information for purposes of management and research, interconnection and interoperability, making expertise available remotely to specialist clinicians, co-ordinating local treatment, financing innovative services, integration of energy and IT challenges – and their implementation to the point of becoming operational.

Training Description and Programme

Duration: 17 months (January to May)
Locations: Rennes, Paris and Compiègne + 6 group meetings at Charleroi (2.5 days) – Strasbourg (5 days) – Saint-Etienne (2,5 days) – Geneva (2,5 days), Marseille (2,5 days) and Barcelona (2,5 days)
Teaching Language: French (with a few conferences in English)
ECTS: 75 credits

Teaching Programme

The course programme comprises:

  • the most recent data on epidemiological, healthcare systems and management techniques for setting markers and clear objectives in public health matters
  • a summary of the 5 key fields of engineering: technical, biomedical, logistics, IT and financial engineering, so as to achieve a multidisciplinary overview and optimise the establishment of health technologies at the service of the population and of health professionals.

Overall of teaching : 45 ECTS

Site visits have also been programmed.
UE validation will be with key lecturers, on case studies and relevant bibliographic footnotes.

Professional Thesis

Professional theses are long-term projects, which are completed over a period of about a year. Their aim is to develop practical research, in association with a business or hospital, and involving the co-ordination of the various engineering disciplines taught. The choice of subjects is decided upon in consultation with the candidate’s employer or in line with a specific work placement site.

External Partners

  • Strasbourg : Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, IRCAD, Ecole de management, Université de Strasbourg, MVZ
  • Geneva : Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
  • Saint-Etienne : Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Ecole des Mines
  • Assistance Publique de Marseille, de Paris, Groupe St Joseph à Paris
  • Associations professionnelles : concours de l’IHF et de l’AFIB
  • ARTLH (association des responsables et des transports de la logistique hospitalière)

Profile and entry requirements

Professional development programs: experienced engineers in post, professionals having completed at least 5 years of successful post-baccalaureate study
Initial training: young engineers having recently-qualified via a sandwich program

Selection is on the basis of the application and an interview with a panel.

  • The program is aimed at practicing professionals seeking promotion
  • Holders of an engineering or scientific qualification, having completed at least 5 years of successful post-baccalaureate study, are invited to apply. Professional experience at a hospital, in a design office, at an architectural firm or in healthcare organisations will be appreciated.
  • Recently-qualified young people are also welcome to apply. Sandwich program will therefore be organised to suit individual needs.

Career Openings

Hospitals, Regional Health Agencies, design offices, architectural firms, businesses…
This qualification is in the process of being accredited for hospital engineers as a step towards chief engineer posts or functional directors of hospitals.


Applications for 2025-2026: more information to come…


€10,000 (inc. taxes) for private individuals or public sector employees.


Programme Manager

Alexandre JABORSKA – Tél : +33 (0)2 99 02 27 14

Programme assistant

Loyse MASSELIN – Tél. +33 (0)2 99 02 27 40

Modified on 31 January 2025