Ethics, Inequalities and Health promotion
Speaker: Peter Duncan
EHESP, Rennes – 19th April 2012
Interactive seminar : “L’action sur les déterminants sociaux de la santé :
réflexions européennes et stratégies pour la France”
4th and 5th June 2012, Paris, Espace BSA
Access the program
Access Thierry Lang’s presentation
Access Sylvie Stachenko‘s presentation
Access Knut-Inge Klepp’s presentation (1)
Access Knut-Inge Klepp’s presentation (2)
Access Ricard Tresserras’s presentation
Access Annie-Claude Marchand’s presentation
Accéss Gauden Galea‘s presentation
Access Gérard Coruble’s presentation
Download the seminary Acts (pdf, 1 Mo)
Interactive seminar : “What public health model for the future ?
The contribution of foreign experiences”
13th December 2012, Paris, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
Discover the program
Access Erio Ziglio’s presentation
Access Louise Potvin’s presentation
Access Elisabeth Fosse’s presentation
Access Eric Breton’s presentation
Mobilizing and acting on social networks to promote the health of populations
Speaker: Pr. Thomas W Valente, University of California
Reid Hall, Paris – 5 April 2011
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The ecological approach in action:examples of health prevention and promotion actions for the elderly
Speakers: Lucie Richard and Lucette Barthélémy
EHESP, Rennes – 18th May 2011
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Study day on Health Research and Promotion
Organised in partnership with the Maison des sciences de l’homme de Bretagne (MSHB) and the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) within the context of the 1st meeting of the INPES “Health Promotion” chair Scientific Committee at the EHESP
EHESP, Rennes – 7th December 2011
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Seminar:“Binge drinking” local strategies and evaluation for action
EHESP, Rennes – 30th November 2010
Access the programme (pdf, 286 kb)
INPES Chair, inaugural lesson: “Promoting Health” EHESP
EHESP, Rennes – 13th December 2010
Access the programme