
The Institute of Management (IdM) of the EHESP School of Public Health, the National Research Coordination Committee (CNCR) and the National Centre for Hospital Expertise (CNEH) have come together to create a Chair dedicated to the Management of Healthcare Facilities and health services at the end of 2011. The French Hospital Federation (FHF), the Association of Hospital Directors (ADH) and the Research and Hospital Applications Group (GRAPH) joined the founding partners.

This Chair, funded for an initial period of 4 years and then renewed by its partners, is set up at the IdM and is attached to the Management of Health Organisations (EA 7348 MOS) reception team.

Chair team

  • Étienne MINVIELLE holds the chair. He is a management sciences professor at the EHESP, director of the Management of Health Organisations Reception Team (EA 7348 MOS); he is also Head of the Innovative Care Pathway mission at the Gustave Roussy Cancer Institute.
  • Vanessa DURAND is a research engineer. She coordinates the Chair’s management and programme of actions.
  • Anne GIRAULT is a research engineer. She contributes to the work on the new payment methods and is preparing a doctoral thesis in management sciences within the EA 7348 MOS, under the supervision of Prof. E. Minvielle.


The steering committee brings together the representatives of the founding partners and associates:

  • Étienne MINVIELLE, chair holder
  • Roland OLLIVIER, Director of the Institute of Management of the EHESP
  • Marie LANG, Director of the CNCR
  • Cédric ARCOS, Assistant delegate general of the FHF
  • Joseph TEDESCO, Director general of the CNEH
  • Patrick LAMBERT, Secretary general of the ADH
  • Yann BUBIEN, President of GRAPH

The strategic committee brings together members of the steering committee as well as representatives of the heads of establishment conferences: the national conference of the managing directors of university hospitals, the national conference of Teaching Hospital Medical Establishment Committee Presidents, the national conference of Hospital Chairmen (CNDCH), the conference of Hospital Medical Establishment Committee Presidents, the association of establishments participating in public mental health services (ADESM) and the conference of Medical Establishment Committee Presidents of Specialised Hospital Centres.


The « Management of Health Facilities » Chair aims to propose a framework for analysing practices and disseminating managerial innovations.

Its objectives are to:

  • Share knowledge and experiments, at the crossroads of professional (practices and needs of establishments and services) and academic spheres (academic research and training).
  • Highlight and disseminate feedback through an online resource space and by accompanying innovators in the analysis and formalisation of experimented approaches.
  • Provide support for health management research, to institutions that would choose to invest in the training of hospital administrators and managers for-and-by research in management sciences, and by funding doctoral contracts.

Research themes

  • Healthcare pathways: coordination methods and trades, city-hospital / health-medical-social coordination, financing methods, customisation of care pathways, participation of users and citizens.
  • Management and territorial cooperation: leadership, teamwork and local management, change management, information systems and organisational transformation.
  • Contributions from foreign experiences and other sectors (industrial economy, services, etc.)

Scientific events and activities

Meetings between professionals and researchers

These meetings, in the form of 3-hour thematic seminars, are an opportunity to compare academic views and feedback from healthcare institutions and services. A theoretical framework and expression of management sciences contributions, by EA 7348 MOS teacher-researchers and international researchers, highlights innovative local initiatives carried out by professionals (directors, managers, executives, project managers).

Symposia and study days

Since the 1st edition of the Hospital Management Innovations Day in 2012, the chair’s Biennial Symposium proposes an assessment of the new organisational forms and managerial approaches developed by the institutions and services in order to promote the circulation of field experiments, and allow a cross-fertilization from exchanges in thematic workshops.

Take a look at the Hospital Management Innovations Days programme:

Study Days

The chair aims to spread the knowledge developed by its various activities and provide methodological assistance to professionals in order to cooperate in the formalization of their knowledge production for the purpose of publication and/or transfer.

Interactive workshops are organized on a number of targeted topics (Personalisation, Lean management), aimed at providing answers to the professionals of the institutions initiating the projects, based on practical experiences and cooperation among institutions.

  • June 2017: Patient care pathway personalisation: a new management horizon
  • December 2016: Lean Management in Health: feedback
  • June 2012: Lean management in hospitals

Doctoral project supervision for professionals and young researchers

The objective is to offer to support professionals in institutions that aim to conduct a doctoral project in management sciences. The aim is to mobilize support for the PhD in management sciences, for example in the framework of CIFRE theses or comparable situations, to develop knowledge in hospital management.

At the same time, following a call for applications, Anne Girault was competitively selected in 2013 to receive the 1st PhD research allocation from the Health Establishment Management chair. Anne Girault carries out her research under the supervision of Prof. Minvielle, within the EA 7348 MOS; she is registered at the ED 393 Doctoral School (UPMC) and the Public Health Doctoral Network (EHESP).
Title of the doctoral project: Analysis of the organisational impact of new payment methods of health establishments.

Teaching and training

Prof Etienne MINVIELLE, chair holder, co-coordinates the Master in Analysis and Management of Health Establishments

He is also responsible, along with Roland OLLIVIER, Director of the Institute of Management, for a continuing education cycle for health managers (Seminars for managers and senior health officials), to which Vanessa DURAND, coordinator of the chair, provides support.

Promoting knowledge

The knowledge developed within the chair is promoted via several channels: coordination and publication of books, publication of special issues or articles in academic, professional and general public journals and magazines (hospital management journals, medical economics journals, etc.).

Collective works:

Expertise and dissemination of knowledge

Prof Etienne Minvielle, chair holder, is regularly involved in debates, publishes articles, and is invited by various media which you can find in the EHESP’s web review.

Modified on 13 February 2018