

Presentation and aim

The programme “Employment of people with disabilities in the public sector (Emploi PHFP)” (pdf, 93 kb) is a programme for research and sharing best practice which started in 2012 for a four-year period. It is part of the Department of Human and Social Sciences (SHS).

The programme Emploi PHFP has a twofold goal:

  • to better understand how people with disability are helped into work and retain a job within the public sector,
  • to promote the sharing  of practice among the professionals involved.


This programme includes 4 work-packages:

Work-package 1: Highlighting initiatives for helping people with disabilities into work and retain a job

The goal of this work-package is to submit a compendium of knowledge as well as current practices regarding the issue of the participation of people with disabilities in the labour market, particularly in the public sector. In order to do this, three studies are in progress:

Work-package 2: Developing management practices for ongoing changes in social and medical-social institutions and services – Coordinated by the Groupe national des établissements publics sociaux et médico-sociaux (GEPSO – National group of public social and healthcare centres and services)

GEPSO-LogoThe objective is to promote the exchange and analysis of managerial practices by organising training seminars based on co-development and to support the completion of a thesis in anthropology relating to these practices.

Supporting a thesis in anthropology relating to these practices: Hervé Heinry is a member of the laboratory Enquête, terrains et thèses (ETT) of the Centre Maurice Halbwachs. His thesis, From institutions to homecare services: the changes within the social and medical-social sector of the disabled childhood, is directed by Florence Weber.

Work-package 3: Encouraging European and international exchanges

* The vignettes’ system is based on 6 case studies of 6 persons with different disabilities employed in the public sector. The representatives of each European country were asked to answer 6 or 7 questions to describe how these persons would be helped into work and retain their job in their respective countries.


Work-package 4: Promoting research and professional practices for helping people with disability into work and retain a job

Promoting and supporting both sharing best professional practices and research regarding disability inclusion, support and job retention.

Sharing best practice seminars

Research pilot projects

As part of the programme Emploi PHFP, research pilot projects are developed and supported in agreement with the coordinating team and with the scientific council. Supported projects:

Supporting a thesis in sociology

Mathilde Apelle has undertaken a PhD whose title is Care practices in the physical and mental rehabilitation of French injured soldiers, directed by Régine Bercot. She is linked to the École Doctorale n° 401 of the Université Paris 8.


Steering committee

Representatives of the EHESP, the FIPHFP and the GEPSo participate in the steering committee. The committee meets twice a year.

Scientific council

The committee meets twice a year. View the members of the scientific council (pdf, 457 kb)


Access the list of publications related to the programme (pdf, 330 kb)


This programme is funded by the Fonds d’insertion pour les personnes handicapées dans la fonction publique (FIPHFP) (Fund for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the public sector).

Coordination team

Modified on 6 May 2019