- Access the report (pdf, 1.27 mb – only in French) made by students of the EHESP as part of the Module Interprofessionnel (MIP). This MIP regarding employment policies of persons with disabilities and policies on health at work in the health and social and medical sector was facilitated by Véronique Daubas-Letourneux and Emmanuelle Fillion.
- The fourth edition of the European research seminar was held on 15 and 16 September 2016, at the EHESP, in Paris. 16 participants from 10 European countries were gathered for this event. Access the report of these two days’ work.
- The EHESP and the Fonds pour l’Insertion pour les Personnes Handicapées dans la Fonction Publique (Fund for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the public sector – FIPHFP) organised a study day on Reasonable accommodation and disability in partnership with the Défenseur Des Droits and the Institut Fédératif de la Recherche sur le Handicap on 11 February 2016 at the EHESP, La Plaine Saint-Denis.
- Students of the EHESP worked on the issue of disability and employment as part of the 2015 Module Interprofessionnel (MIP). This MIP was facilitated by Pascale Roussel and Marie-Renée Guével. Access the report (only available in French).
- Presentation and aim
- Work-packages
- Work-package 1: Highlighting innovative initiatives for helping people with disabilities into work and retain a job
- Work-package 2: Developing management practices for ongoing changes in social and medical-social institutions and services
- Work-package 3: Encouraging European and international exchanges
- Work-package 4: Promoting research and professional practices for helping people with disability into work and retain a job
- Governance
- Publications
- Funding
- Coordination team
Presentation and aim
The programme “Employment of people with disabilities in the public sector (Emploi PHFP)” (pdf, 93 kb) is a programme for research and sharing best practice which started in 2012 for a four-year period. It is part of the Department of Human and Social Sciences (SHS).
The programme Emploi PHFP has a twofold goal:
- to better understand how people with disability are helped into work and retain a job within the public sector,
- to promote the sharing of practice among the professionals involved.
This programme includes 4 work-packages:
Work-package 1: Highlighting initiatives for helping people with disabilities into work and retain a job
The goal of this work-package is to submit a compendium of knowledge as well as current practices regarding the issue of the participation of people with disabilities in the labour market, particularly in the public sector. In order to do this, three studies are in progress:
- Exploring dissertations of future professionals that may include the issue of the employment of persons with disabilities in their professional practice (pdf, 387 kb)
- A scientific literature review of job inclusion and job retention practices (pdf, 386 kb)
- A study of the practices in the public sector: cases of job inclusion and job retention (pdf, 380 kb)
Work-package 2: Developing management practices for ongoing changes in social and medical-social institutions and services – Coordinated by the Groupe national des établissements publics sociaux et médico-sociaux (GEPSO – National group of public social and healthcare centres and services)
The objective is to promote the exchange and analysis of managerial practices by organising training seminars based on co-development and to support the completion of a thesis in anthropology relating to these practices.
- Access the presentation of the work-package 2 (pdf, 435 kb)
Supporting a thesis in anthropology relating to these practices: Hervé Heinry is a member of the laboratory Enquête, terrains et thèses (ETT) of the Centre Maurice Halbwachs. His thesis, From institutions to homecare services: the changes within the social and medical-social sector of the disabled childhood, is directed by Florence Weber.
Work-package 3: Encouraging European and international exchanges
- The research developed in this work-package encourages exchanges both in terms of practice and research at a European and even an international scale. A first European seminar was held on 28 and 29 November 2013 in Paris, at the MSSH, entitled ‘Employment of people with disabilities: the role of the public sector as an employer – European perspectives’“.
Learn more about the background of the seminar (pdf, 411 kb) and the programme of the seminar (pdf, 418 kb). - The second European research seminar took place on 18 and 19 September 2014. The objectives of this two-day seminar were to look at the policies enforced by each country and to work on a comparative analysis in order to go further in their reflections. Access the programme of this second edition (pdf, 423 kb) which points out the topics addressed by our research working group.
- The third edition of the European research seminar was held on 24 and 25 September 2015. The participants carried on the discussions on the employment of persons with disabilities in the public sector, started in 2013 and 2014, giving answers to vignettes*, with a comparative perspective. Access the programme of this third edition (pdf, 409 kb).
- The fourth and final European research semainar was held on 15 and 16 September 2016. Some examples of promising practices collected by the participants were considered as well as perspectives to disseminate this work. Access the programme of this fourth edition (pdf, 405 kb)
* The vignettes’ system is based on 6 case studies of 6 persons with different disabilities employed in the public sector. The representatives of each European country were asked to answer 6 or 7 questions to describe how these persons would be helped into work and retain their job in their respective countries.
Work-package 4: Promoting research and professional practices for helping people with disability into work and retain a job
Promoting and supporting both sharing best professional practices and research regarding disability inclusion, support and job retention.
Sharing best practice seminars
- 28 January 2016: Mental disability (pdf, 308 kb). This sixth seminar -a collaboration with Handi-Pacte – was held at the Centre hospitalier Guillaume Régnier, in Rennes.
- 30 September 2015: Statutory redeployment in France’s state health service – Some insights (pdf, 342 kb). The seminar was held at the EHESP, in Rennes.
- 24 March 2015: Apprenticeships for people with disabilities in France’s public health sector. Which partners? Which mechanisms? (pdf, 379 kb). The seminar was held at the EHESP, in Rennes.
- 25 November 2014: our third seminar focused on Employees with disability – provisions for job retention -Discussion on how these provisions are implemented through cooperation between occupational health services, employee welfare departments, and disability liaison officers (pdf, 380 kb). The seminar was held at the Maison de l’Agriculture, in Rennes.
- 23 September 2014: The role of disability liaison officers in the French health service: An emerging profession (pdf, 363 kb) with representatives of national hospital service. The seminar took place at the EHESP, in Rennes.
- 12 June 2014: Our first best sharing practice seminar entitled The measures implemented relating to job retention for a worker with disabilities within the 3 French civil services in the department of Ille-et-Vilaine, (pdf, 73 kb) with representatives of the 3 French civil services (central government, local government and national hospital service) located in the department of Ille-et-Vilaine, in Brittany. The seminar was held at the EHESP, in Rennes.
Research pilot projects
As part of the programme Emploi PHFP, research pilot projects are developed and supported in agreement with the coordinating team and with the scientific council. Supported projects:
- Disability liaison officer: function, knowledge, posture (pdf, 459 kb) – coordinated by Régine Bercot, sociology professor and Albena Tcholakova, Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Duration: 8 months.
- Job retention of public sector employees with disability: what is the role of the Comités Médicaux Départementaux (pdf, 382 kb) – coordinated by Samuel Neuberg, PhD candidate in sociology. Duration: 8 months.
- Inclusion of staff with disabilities – The French Ministry of Education’s perspective (pdf, 383 kb) – coordinated by Agnès Ducros, lecturer-researcher of the SHS department. Duration: 1 year and 2 months.
- Workers with disabilities: which determinants of the quality of life at work? Which actions to support the process of retaining persons with disabilities at work? (pdf, 386 kb) – coordinated by Jeanine Pommier, lecturer-researcher of the SHS department. Duration: from January to December 2015.
- HANDI-MIL – Young people with disabilities in the ‘missions locales’ – Connection with the public sector (384 kb) – coordinated by Eric Le Grand, sociologist, consultant in health promotion. Duration : From November 2014 to April 2015.
- Access the programme of the seminar (pdf, 409 kb) held on 1 April 2015. A synthesis will soon be available.
- Study of the population of people with disabilities working in the civil service in France (pdf, 382 kb) – coordinated by Béatrice Valdes, lecturer of the department SHS. Duration: from March to December 2014.
Supporting a thesis in sociology
Mathilde Apelle has undertaken a PhD whose title is Care practices in the physical and mental rehabilitation of French injured soldiers, directed by Régine Bercot. She is linked to the École Doctorale n° 401 of the Université Paris 8.
Steering committee
Representatives of the EHESP, the FIPHFP and the GEPSo participate in the steering committee. The committee meets twice a year.
Scientific council
The committee meets twice a year. View the members of the scientific council (pdf, 457 kb)
Access the list of publications related to the programme (pdf, 330 kb)
This programme is funded by the Fonds d’insertion pour les personnes handicapées dans la fonction publique (FIPHFP) (Fund for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the public sector).
Coordination team
- Marie-Renée GUÉVEL, Lecturer –
- Hervé HEINRY, Associate professor at the EHESP, researcher at the GEPSo,
- Fanny JAFFRÈS, Assistant researcher –
- Kerri-Anne PIERRE, Assistant –
- Céline ROTHÉ, Senior researcher –
- Jean-Marie ANDRÉ, head of the Department SHS